Myths, Rituals, and Other Things Not to be Trifled with On the Internet

Working at a metaphysical store means I get to answer a lot of different kinds of phone calls. Recently I answered a call from a teenaged girl, no older than 16, who was wondering about Ouija boards and “games” that she and her friends had found on the website Creepypasta↟.

At first it was innocent curiosity as to whether or not Ouija boards actually work and how seriously you should take a Ouija board. She asked if there were any kinds of questions or topics to stay away from when using a Ouija board – to which i told her that with most metaphysical tools like boards and cards – it is best to avoid topics like death or anything that provokes generally negative energy. She thanked me and hung up.

A while later, the phone rang again and it was her. She asked me about something i had never heard about on the internet by the title of “The Midnight Game”. Without knowing anything about what that is, my heart fell to the pit of my stomach and I knew that was something she and whomever else was with her should stay far away from. To me it seemed like that game was meant to call something forth that was not something some skeptical teenagers would be able to handle.

Part of the reason I bring this up is because the internet can be helpful, but it can also be harmful and sometimes even dangerous. There are plenty of helpful and accurate resources online for witchy and esoteric information, but there are also many websites that not only spread misinformation but also present summoning rituals as “games”. To me, this is beyond irresponsible. I realize that some of the people out there who are sharing these rituals online don’t see any harm in it because they do not believe in what they are typing out and uploading to the mainframe, but just because you don’t believe in something doesn’t mean that is does not exist, or that it can’t be harmful. There are many myths and rituals that have been given life thanks to the internet, and many of them are not friendly.

The legend of Slender Man is one that is well-known across cyberspace, as well as in most of the modern world. The Slender Man legend has inspired video games, short stories, and – unfortunately – an attempted murder. While Slender Man was created as an urban legend on the internet around 2009 on the website Creepypasta, many people have speculated that he is real based on cave painting, hieroglyphs, and folktales from around the world. Whether or not he existed before 2009 will probably never be proven, but one thing is for sure, since 2009 he has become very real. While I do not subscribe to his existence, there is a strong possibility that Slender Man is what is known as a thoughtform.

Thoughtforms are beings or entities that come into existence either due to many people believing in something. While some of these can be positive and helpful, like the tooth fairy, the ones like Slender Man are extremely dangerous. There are some people who look at the Slender Man mythos as a modern-day allegory to teach children to behave themselves or else the Boogeyman will gobble them up. In my opinion, this is a miscalculation of the consequences of the Slender Man myth.
Some of you who are reading this will remember the nearly tragic events of the 31st of May in 2014 when two twelve-year-old girls stabbed their friend multiple times after luring her into the woods because “Slender Man told us to do it”. The reason I say that this was a nearly tragic event is because, fortunately, the girl who was stabbed survived the attack. I know that I have spend a few paragraphs on Slender Man, but he is not the only one on the internet that can be dangerous.

Just like Slender Man, the Owl Man and the Midnight Man got their start on the popular website Creepypasta. While there is no story on the Owl Man, there is a ritual that has been posted for people to summon him. I will not post it here, nor will I post a link to it as I do not condone the contents of it, but I will tell you the parts that I find important.

For one thing you need a young woman who is a virgin as an offering to the Owl Man. (Right there, anytime you read anything that says you need a virgin for a ritual, you should probably stop reading). Supposedly the Owl Man will grant a wish to whomever summons him, but he is quick to anger and does not like light. Everyone involved in this ritual must have a working flashlight ready incase something goes wrong so that they can force him back to his realm by bathing him in light. Once again, please do not attempt this, as it is dangerous to summon beings like this.

The Midnight Man is another creature that has been given life thanks to a ritual, disguised as a game, on Creepypasta. As I stated above about the the Owl Man, i will not post the ritual or a link, but I will tell you the warning signs of this so-called “game”. It states that it can be “played” alone or with other people, but you cannot force another person to “play”. In order to play you need to write in blood, your blood, and the blood of anyone else who is “playing”. Once you have summoned the Midnight Man, you have to “survive” until sunrise in order to “win”.

Once again, this is not a game! It is a summoning ritual for a dark thoughtform that should be left alone. Whenever you find something online that requires blood, virgins, elaborate set-ups, uses the word survive, or anything that you think you would see in a horror movie, it would be in your best interest to move on to the next thing.

I would also like to note that these rituals are not relegated to Creepypasta, there are also blogs on multiple platforms that post these for the world to see. I came across a blog on Tumblr once that was dedicated exclusively to sharing these “games” with no disclaimer whatsoever that these should not be played as they can be dangerous. I messaged them privately and explained to them that while I appreciate their right to post whatever they pleased online that I hoped they would put a disclaimer on their posts in the future so that no one would attempt one and get hurt as a result.

As I said, these “games” and rituals that can be found on Creepypasta as well as other sites. I would advise against messing around with them as they are meant to summon things from another realm – a realm that exists between here and the Otherside, a realm that exists so deeply in our subconscious that we are not even aware of it in our dreams – the realm of Thoughtforms and other mentally and emotionally created entities.

These creatures, once brought into our world, can behave similarly to poltergeists or even “demonic” entities. This means they can physically hurt you as well as spiritually and mentally drain your energy and cause extreme mood swings, violent outbursts, and other things along those lines. Being able to mimic the behavior of other spirits and entities makes thoughtforms that much more dangerous, because if they can make you think they are something other than they are, it is next to impossible to get them out of our world and into the next one.

Have you dealt with a thoughtform? Tried out one of the “games” on Creepypasta? Do you believe in Slenderman? Questions? Comments? Leave a comment below or check out our Contact page and send us an email!

Blessed by All Within the Light
~ A

↟Creepypasta is a website in which users are able to post urban legends, scary short stories of their own design, rituals and other things that have the possibilities to induce nightmares. If you don’t want to sleep for the next month or so, please feel free to go to Creepypasta, but I do sincerely hope that this article has deterred you from getting involved in any overnight shenanigans.

3 thoughts on “Myths, Rituals, and Other Things Not to be Trifled with On the Internet

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  1. Great post. These things are fascinating, but aren’t to be messed with. I strongly believe in thoughtforms and would advise anybody to stay away from attempting to conjure them. Thanks for the info.

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